And little imaginary diapers…
Saturday we went and shivered at the beach for awhile: me, Michele, Jason, Erica. Later, we met up with Clinton Jarvis whose name has a funny story behind it, and we went for ice cream. The strange-eyed baby in the booth behind us kept turning around to give us a toothless, gooey grin, until I … Continue reading
In Which I Am Slightly Humiliated
Yesterday I fell. I was climbing around on some rocks as I am wont to do and I ran out of handholds as I am not wont to do (and did not want to do) and I fell, which I never ever do. It was downright embarrassing. As soon as I had nowhere to put … Continue reading
I’m so tired of cowards who say they want…
I’m reading Bee Season. Is that an Oprah book, does anyone know? It’s certainly popular enough. Anyway, the point is it’s sucking me in as no book has in a long time. I read for an hour before work this morning and when I finished, my brain had that pleasantly satiated feeling your body gets … Continue reading
Why I Failed Physics
Here’s how it went: Kristen: So you’re reading the L’Engle books, eh? Michele: Yep. I’m up to the ones where Meg and Calvin are grown up and have kids. Seven of them. Holy God. K: Yeah, later on Meg’s mother explains it by saying she thinks Meg didn’t want to compete with her on a … Continue reading
The nightmares are back. There was a hiatus there of several months when they hardly showed up and my dreams were wan, tepid little scenes from my daily life. I found that despite the unpleasantness of waking up in fear all the time, I actually missed them. My nightmares are usually intense productions with plots, … Continue reading
We screamed all over Italy.
Last night I dreamt I was driving a red convertible through Italy. I was driving along perilous cliffs overlooking Tuscan villages and the Mediterranean. These landscapes are jumbled in my mind due to the long (long, long, long) day and night I spent driving across Italy with my parents last April, the night there was … Continue reading
Okay, okay…
I will add comments. But as soon as I get a life that doesn’t involve staring at a screen 35 hours a week, they are coming down. * * * * * The map above my desk displays the Barbarian Migrations circa 300 A.D. The barbarians were divided into Goths, Vandals and Franks, all of … Continue reading
Little feet make my womb go squish…
Welcome my little olives and peanuts! Welcome to the new, improved Carthage. Let us take a moment to be very, very grateful to The Lad for delivering us from the horror and inanity which is MS Word’s HTML template. Speaking of inanity, isn’t it time I updated? This holiday weekend was spent currying favor with … Continue reading
I miss Maggie.
Last night I dreamt about the pool my babysitter used to take us to in the summers. One summer we – all twelve kids – discovered a very welcome surprise there: a little girl from another (rival) babysitter who actually wanted to hang out with us. In other words, a torture victim. We spent what … Continue reading
I miss i-s-s-i-p-p-i.
Welcome to July! I’ll be your blogger today, unless you get bored halfway through and click on one of my fabulous links. Our specials for today include hundred degree weather for those of you sitting in the East Bay, and for those of you seated abroad we have a fantastic California Nostalgia plate that’s sure … Continue reading