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Highlights from 2013









2013 was a year of travel. On a trip to Europe I fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting Vienna and fulfilled my fairly standard ongoing dream of visiting London and Paris. Gene and I also traveled to the Pacific Northwest for his brother’s wedding and some work-related nonsense. I even got to take a best-friends minibreak with Michele to Fort Bragg, the most glamorous fort available within a day’s drive, not counting Fort Mason during the SF Library Book Sale.

Here are some more highlights from 2013:

A Wednesday List
Stuff I don’t like.

Driving Miss Austen
The driving styles of Jane Austen’s heroines, according to me.

Gandalf the White
On why I will never have kids, probably.

Why did Michele cross the street?
Michele reveals her heretofore unsuspected racism.

Geek love
Gene continues to be the best husband ever.

A tiny pillow
A fantastic prank from me, the master of pranks.

Table for one
A scholarly exploration of the dress code in Santa Cruz, CA.

Knuckle sandwich
Exploring Joe’s tattoo choices.

Alienating another member of the service industry
Only YOU can prevent identity theft. By not being a complete idiot.

Moltar! Twenty!
Currency affairs.

A Very Harry Potter Christmas (Accio Holidays!)
In which I transform my house into Hogwarts, because I have a lot of time on my hands.

Nerd Gifting
Gene gives me the gift of knowledge.

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