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“You stare into the mirror That held her painted eye” -Michael Ondaatje

She sees him through the restaurant window, uncertain through the wavering glass and grime. He finishes eating and pushes away his plate, carefully untucks and folds his napkin, lays down some money and leaves the table. She skulks inside when the waitress isn’t looking and his plate is hers. She brings it and his glass … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 3 Comments

Some of us just don’t have time for a week-long exploration mission in there

In the beginning, there was the male orgasm. The female orgasm was sort of a fortunate afterthought when it happened. Then my mom’s generation came, pun intended, and started squawking about equality in all things. Suddenly, we had noticed we were getting the short end of the stick and men were to blame. Research began. … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 5 Comments

A Year and Six Days

Happy birthday, Carthage! Pisces Horoscope A pleasant outing could get delayed or cancelled due to an event entirely out of your control. Rather than having a fit, dear Pisces, you and your friends could seize the opportunity to do something completely wild and different. You could take in a matinee of the scariest movie in … Continue reading »

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The reason I never leave my house

I pre-ordered season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD. It’s that kind of life I’m having.

Categories: General | 2 Comments

From the last two minutes of a very special episode of “The Fresh Prince of D.C.”

“Son, what you and Tony did to Iraq was wrong. Do you understand? You just can’t always go to war. Sometimes it’s better to talk things through, and ask me for help if you need it.” “I guess I really messed up this time, huh, Uncle Voters?” “It’s okay, son. Everyone makes mistakes, and I … Continue reading »

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Insomnia last night makes for a pissed didofoot

For a while now I have been unhappy about my eyebrows, mainly due to how several of my friends have in recent months expressed in one form or another their intense hatred for the caterpillars quote ruining my face. I look around and see how every woman I know without exception (and even some of … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 7 Comments

Calling all the gays

I need to interview four gay people for my psych class. The interviews will take an hour each, though possibly some of that hour will just be filling out a questionnaire. You will be audio-taped, but not duct-taped (unless you find that helpful). There will be very stupid questions involved, because psychology is the stupidest … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 7 Comments

Some useful facts about Tasmanian devils

Tasmanian devil moms give birth to a litter of 20 or so Tasmanian devil babies and as soon as they are born the babies start frantically crawling towards the mother’s marsupial pouch. There are only four nipples in the pouch. This means 16 Tasmanian devil babies are born only to die. Personally, I find this … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 23 Comments

What do we want? A lot of water and possibly some food and a nice empty room. When do we want it? Now!

I went to the protest on Sunday all hungover and hating crowds. Despite a niggling concern over whether these protests are ever going to do any good, I still feel that we’ve entered an interesting time. People are saying the same thing all over the world. That’s a new phenomenon, at least for my lifetime. … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 8 Comments

I think that racist blogger should be keel-hauled

I wrote the rough draft of what turned out to be a racist paper for my English class. In the paper I (rather successfully) argued that everyone should just speak English if they ever expect to get anywhere in life. When I brought the racist paper in to English to be “peer edited” (ha) by … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 6 Comments