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Monthly Archives: April 2003

Jordan and the Easter Bunny

On Saturday night, a drunken older woman who would identify herself only as “your favorite Easter bunny” gave Michele and I two all-access backstage passes for Coachella. After checking to make sure they were not laced with a strange zombie drug or other contraband, we strapped them on and headed for the elite zone. It’s … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: , | 12 Comments


I had to call 911 because a workman busted up his arm when he broke a window. I got to wait outside for the emergency people. Cops AND an ambulance AND a firetruck. It was so exciting because everyone was handsome, even the girls. I made sure to wear my hair down before they got … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: | 7 Comments

The Castro was just below my elbow

Last night I dreamt I had a map of the city tattooed on my right arm, with all the neighborhoods filled in with different colors. It was so beautiful. All day I have been eyeing my bare and boring right arm with speculation. But this tattoo was the city, and when KTV and her bike … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: | 2 Comments

My First Transgender Dog

Last night I went to my volunteer orientation for PAWS, where I was recruited to help build their float for the Pride Parade (I am going to try SO hard to be on the float) and help out at the doggie prom. A float and a prom. It’s my senior year of high school all … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: | 5 Comments


Kim, I love you and I am constantly impressed by your bravery and your uncompromising need to make the world a better place. I’m pretty inarticulate when it comes to saying how I feel about people, so I will just quote from a journal entry I wrote when we lived together in San Diego: “I’m … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: | 5 Comments

Guest Blog

I recently got cc’d on an email from Sean in response to this article wherein he explains why comparing Bush to Hitler is absurd, and I’d like to share it with you folks. (Sean, if you want to use this yourself or something, let me know and I’ll take it down.) I really enjoyed hearing … Continue reading »

Categories: General | 20 Comments

When I look down I just miss all the good stuff, when I look up I just trip over things

Sara rescues sea turtle eggs for a living. She doesn’t feed the hungry or give aid to adolescent prostitutes in Thailand. She just watches turtles lay eggs in places where the eggs will be harmed, then she digs the eggs up and moves them somewhere safer. Dig. Gather. Dig. Deposit. It’s no less good for … Continue reading »

Categories: General | Tags: , | 22 Comments