Back to work, back to grants, back to boss, back to boredom: you can’t live in the Wood
The Lad came back as planned on Sunday, so now I can shut up about that problem. He is very beardy and I have decided to like it because what are my options, really. And he was so nice about it that time I shaved my head so I feel I owe him a weird … Continue reading
‘Cause she mixes it with love fraud and makes the world taste good
Who can take the sunshine two hundred sixty-five thousand dollar debt Sprinkle it with dew Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two turn it into a positive balance of twenty-two thousand dollars? The Grants Administrator can.
Two days to go and feeling the strain a little
“I have to go to Munich on Saturday to meet with the guys from that lab,” said my professor boss. “Are you taking Jane?” I asked politely. “No,” he said. “You guys are all alike!” I said. “You go haring off to Munich and leave your girlfriends waiting in the wings! Well we won’t wait … Continue reading
Rolled-up newspaper across my toes
The Lad comes home in four days — almost three days now — and while from the ankles up I am calm as a toad, my feet cannot be controlled and are flapping excitedly every chance they get. My feet are the untrained puppies of my body. I’m worried about the readjustment process when he … Continue reading
Twenty years and counting
I wonder who I was those first four years of my life without you around to record me. I wonder who you were. If I have a sister it’s you; if I have a conscience it’s you. I’ve spent my life trying to catch up with you and here you go again, 25 before me. … Continue reading
Oh lord, again with the sniveling
We killed a village in Iraq. When did I stop caring about what we’re doing in other countries? I cared last year. I think it was when I realized there was nothing I can do…if we smash the state there will just be another state. History is built on slaughtered villagers. They were celebrating a … Continue reading
The hip bone connected to the
There’s a boy in my class who looks just like Seth Green. Except he is much taller, and perfectly proportioned, and not even vaguely simian. But he has the same hair. Anyway, I spent all of yesterday’s ridiculous immigration discussion eyeing him and wondering what he’d look like without his flesh on. He has great … Continue reading
KRON and bunnies
The winds were breeding like bunny rabbits last night, hip-hopping around on each others’ backs and knocking over small trees, people, the dauntless pigeons. You do not want to try distance spitting for the first time on a night when the winds are going at it in all directions, and that is a life lesson … Continue reading
The topiary of the face
Saw the John Francis yesterday in all his beardy glory. How can he still be attractive with that fretful porpentine of hair clinging to his face? And yet the ladies seem undaunted. Despite my remonstrations, the Lad, too, will be using his chin to smuggle a beard home for me. I was hoping for something … Continue reading
Red roadmaps and inkblots, red polka-dots
Dreamed I was drumming. “Well, fuck me,” I thought, as the song started and I began tapping my sporks on the table frantically. “I have no sense of rhythm. How the hell did I get here?” Woke up to a nosebleed from the stress of the dream. Little butterflies of blood now fluttering around on … Continue reading