Tagged With: Traveling
house-bound no longer
I’m going to visit Kim in Philly next week! This is getting out of the house with a vengeance. I was thinking about it and I realized I’ve only ever flown in and out of Tacoma on my own. Imagine that. All those years when I thought I would grow up to be an intrepid, … Continue reading
My favorite night
We went skinny dipping after dark. Marina sat on the edge of the speedboat and lit sparklers for us and we swam out into the black lake (heedless of the seven-foot sturgeon or other lake monsters) and performed drunken sparkling water ballets. On the far reaches of the landscape a lightning storm flashed at the … Continue reading
Time loses its usual mile markers on an airplane. This is partly because of the catnaps you inadvertently take, the durations of which are unguessable as you awake to a clockless world. And, unlike on public transit, the backs of heads surrounding you remain the same for the entire ride. Minutes and hours have little … Continue reading
The Briny Curse (and Baby Albie)
Last week, Adam’s family’s houseboat on Lake Shasta was taken over by seven pirates. If you’re the sort of pirate who likes to live vicariously through other pirates, our pics are here and Nuala’s are here; I expect Christine and Adam’s will be along shortly.
Forks road trip: the living dead
We used the bathroom and bought chips at a gas station in one of the numberless three-building towns on Highway 101. As we left, the woman behind the counter dully called out “See you soon.” See you soon? “If we were in a horror movie,” I said as we pulled away, “that would mean ‘See … Continue reading
Forks road trip: roadside assistance
On the road from Queets, Michele and I stopped to assist a woman who’d skidded her car into a ditch. Neither of us is much accustomed to offering roadside assistance so the stop had an adventurous flair. The girl who’d had the accident was large and encased in a Barbie-pink sweatshirt that featured a picture … Continue reading
Adult fun
Kids at Disneyland are very constrained. They can’t get more than a few steps from their parents without being lost in the crowd, so they’re not allowed to run loose. Even on Tom Sawyer’s Island, the many cameras ensure that a cast member arrives speedily to chastise any kids who leave the trails to climb … Continue reading
Adam has a conversation with a stranger in Vegas
“Okay, we’ve been watching you, and I had to come over and ask: one guy and seven girls. How are you doing that? I mean, I’m here with my bachelor party. What is this?” “My bachelor party.” “…” [To his friends] “You guys suck.”
In Vegas, beauty equals currency. Beautiful women jump to the front of the lines. Men buy them drinks. They don’t pay the cover charge. As an ordinary woman, you start to think in terms of big changes to be made, weight to lose and hair products to buy. You too want to be first in … Continue reading
Here Comes Trouble
Adam: So…why aren’t you coming to Vegas, again? Gene: I think I like to do different things at Vegas than this crew will. Vegas is about vice. It’s about drinking and gambling and tits. It’s about getting into trouble. Kris: You don’t think that combining drinking, strippers and your girlfriend on the same trip would … Continue reading