Tagged With: The House
A few months ago I sent Michele this email: THERE ARE CHEERLEADERS. IN OUR DRIVEWAY. Two middle school girls. Doing cheers. IN MY DRIVEWAY, WHY??? I assume they belong to one of the neighbors, but this is…kind of hysterical. And adorable. Heh. Bring it on! (If you’ve never been to my house, I should mention … Continue reading
An Expotition to the Basement
I discovered yesterday that my washing machine has a “hand wash” setting. I do laundry every week, and we’ve lived here almost two years, so that’s about 100 weeks that I’ve failed to examine these laundry machines which came with the house. Stuff like this makes me feel dull, like my perceptions are all packed … Continue reading
This is why Martha Stewart “Antique Gold Finish” Craft Paint is a dangerous thing to leave lying around your house: Because sometimes you suddenly decide that the best use of your time is to paint a mural in the bedroom. Though I do … Continue reading
She knew that it is very foolish.
I have a walk-in closet. Actually, if I’m honest, I have two. When we moved in, I looked at the two closets in the master bedroom and immediately began wheedling. “Don’t you think it would be a good idea for you to keep your clothes in a different room? You get up earlier than me, … Continue reading
We bought our tomatoes from Katy’s farm this year. She made little labels for each plant, written in the same distinctive handwriting she’s had for as long as I can remember, more familiar to me even than my own. I like going out to water my plants every evening and seeing this little piece of … Continue reading
If you do things…
At our wedding, Sean made a great toast which centered around a mantra Gene used to repeat when the two of them lived together: “If you do things, they get done.” I guess Gene’s mellowed with age, because in our family now the mantra seems to be “If you need something done and you wait … Continue reading
Dad comes to lunch
Dad: “Something’s amiss with your fence, here.” Kris: “You think?” Dad: “Well, I am a skilled woodworker.” I guess I should add that it doesn’t actually look like this now. It’s still all broken and propped up haphazardly but it’s not actually flat on its face.
Tall yet clean
My whole life, I have always wanted to live in a house with stairs, and now that I finally do I find it does not disappoint. The most satisfying thing about these stairs is the bannister, which has lots of tiny gaps where dust collects. The only possible solution to cleaning these is a feather … Continue reading
The return of the dudgeons
Spring is in the air! It’s that glorious time of year when every damn bird on the island decides our house is a great place to raise babies. (Perversely, Gene and I remain unconvinced.) The dudgeons are back, trying to nest in our front porch again in spite of the small gargoyle statue I put … Continue reading
The Battle
I spent part of the morning in an unequal fight with the rosebush in our front yard. It was armed with thorns and an impressively tenacious root system while I had only a shovel and some Language. I hear some of you saying “But why uproot that poor innocent rosebush? Roses are pretty!” Yes, roses … Continue reading