Step one: Find a hairstylist you really like who gives you the most flattering haircut you’ve had in several years.

My face looks weird here but my hair is flawless. So bouncy!
Step two: Call to make a follow-up appointment six weeks later.
Step three: Learn that the salon has burned down.
Step four: Wait 5 months.
Step five: Learn that the salon has re-opened.
Step six: Make appointment with the hairdresser.
Step seven: Receive a call the next day learning that she’s just quit her job.
Step eight: Mourn.
Step nine: Beer.
Step ten: Shave head.
Note: I’m only on Step Eight, and we have a lot of beer in the house so I’ll probably pass out before I get to Step Ten. Nobody panic. Or panic a little I guess, because passing out from beer is not so great either. Well, maybe I’ll just stop on Step Eight.