The dog woke me up at 7:30. Gah.
You know the spot at the bottom center of the ribcage, right where CPR workers put their hands to jump-start you? That part is where I miss the Lad. Right there it feels empty and listless like an uncharged battery pack. First I thought this was a symbol of our beautiful, cinematic love, this physical … Continue reading
Ham-fisted: my new favorite word
Not long ago, while waiting for my school train (which smells like a hundred ham-fisted schoolboy colognes), an enormous woman began showing me the pictures she carries around of her ex-boyfriend. She knows he dumped her because she doesn’t look like Britney Spears (or maybe she does, in triplicate). She eyed my hips and I … Continue reading
It’s practically champagne
I went to my history professor’s office hours yesterday after class. He holds his Thursday office hours in the pub on campus, but I knew this (loss of faculties around faculty, never good) would not be an issue for me since I so recently vowed to only drink champagne and the pub is a beer … Continue reading
Happy birthday, Danny!
My first strong memory of Dan is when he came out with some of the crew to a movie during our freshman year of high school. My mom picked him up and was as surprised as me that he was so startlingly articulate around a parent (a feat which only my girl scout troop and … Continue reading
Two anecdotes about my professor-boss (not the cowboy)
“This is my wife, Jane,” he said. “Oh, hello,” I said. “It’s so nice to finally meet you!” “Hello,” she said. Then she turned to my prof-boss somewhat accusingly and said, “She’s beautiful.” *********************** “Can you come to my office and fix my fax machine?” said my prof-boss. “Sure,” I said, went to his office, … Continue reading
Signs of the Times
Tuesday night in class a girl was talking about her little brother, and how he doesn’t hang out with his friends or talk to them on the phone or even chat with them online. “They all have these online journal things,” she said, baffled. “Blogs,” someone said wisely, pronouncing it to rhyme with “blow.” “Yeah,” … Continue reading
You thought he went to South America…
But in fact he was loved up and turned into a toad. Happy birthday, Bunny!
Problem with MT and a blast from the past
Jacob and I found a potential problem with MT last night, and here is the amusing story to go along with it: I was idly obsessively checking my stats when I noticed I was being linked to by a page I’d never heard of which was not spam or a search engine. Naturally, I went … Continue reading
Kim is queen
(Along with KTV.) Happy birthday, Kimmity Kim.
In which she faces the music and waltzes
I had a long, serious meeting with my cowboy boss this morning. I was scheduled to meet with my professor boss in the afternoon and tell him the whole horrible truth about his brand new shiny deficit of ($249,000). “Will he be mad, do you think?” I wondered. “Oh yeah,” said the cowboy. “Will he … Continue reading