You must never wash your hand again
The Lad and Dan met a woman in Athens who knew Henry Miller. Did she know my best friend (and also Robyn’s best friend) Anais Nin? When he comes home, I will kiss the hand of the Lad who shook the hand of the woman who shook the hand of the man who touched the … Continue reading
Ow, my pride
I fell off my own feet again today. It seems that every so often my feet just decide, in the spirit of experimentation and without input from the brain, to try walking on their sides instead of their soles. This is painful but acceptable when barefoot, but when clomping around in ungainly platform sandals which … Continue reading
you know, for kids
If Mary Poppins is real, Burt the chimney sweep is actually a nine year old boy dying of scrotum cancer. And no one can fly.
now look
i seem to like the beats i seem to like to be drinking i seem to be drinking ‘go home work on your papers and sweat all night’ we were told and a girl said ‘gross why do we have to sweat all night?’ thinking of sex we all HOWL. i got the tower, tarot, … Continue reading
Happy Cinco
“Can you make sure and get a fund number from Chao today, and also see if you can get the guys to look at my phone and see what’s wrong with it? And I need a lunch reservation for noon, and let’s meet at 2:00 to go over that technical report, okay?” My professor-boss looks … Continue reading
In the morning
Wake up and roll around a while, considering the room from different angles. Try and imagine how it would look to various people I know. Does it look different in the mirrors, things like that. Stretch up my legs for a while and contemplate the ceiling. Then get up. Boil water for coffee and make … Continue reading
People you’ve been before
Kim J leaves the city today, Maggie’s leaving in June. So long, supper club. So long, Charles. Seems like the end of an era. Been listening to “Between the Bars” on repeat lately. You weren’t the only one with a house of cards heart, Elliott. Everything knocks me down these days.
The sedge has withered by the lake
Professor Cleese is showing a steely determination to drill an appreciation for Keats into us. Up until now my only contact with Keats was in Hagar’s class, when we were assigned to groups and forced to give oral presentations of his (Keats’, not Hagar’s) poetry. Kim and Michele (and Katie?) and I wound up with … Continue reading
Nice Old Lady I Work With: Why do you always do that? Me: Do what? NOLIWW: Touch the wall when you walk. Me: It’s a prison thing.
Flamenco rodeo
My cowboy boss was predictably fascinated by my Thursday experience with my professor of Beer Studies. He kept trying to get more details out of me. “So, how did he talk you into this, exactly? And he bought all your beer? How much did that cost him, do you think? And did he hit on … Continue reading