Two unconnected paragraphs
They wanted to put our new techie, a friendly, ponytailed warhorse, into the cubicle next to me in the office I share with my four other female coworkers. My cowboy boss, resisting this attempt to pasture a foreign bull with his cows, decided instead to give his private office to the techie and move into … Continue reading
After the show
this smudged black handstamp delivers today’s coffee postmarked from last night haiku.
Not every bricklayer is a hero
Kids who bring guns to school are now officially classified as terrorists. I imagine this linguistic crime is committed by those pale-complected men who spend their time in beige rooms, inscrutable, cigar-smoking, with the English language bent stuttering and scared over a table in front of them while they perform on her the unthinkable. And … Continue reading
Exploiting my correspondence for material
At random I opened Anna Akhmatova’s poems today. Sleeping under a slip of paper which bore your old (760) and three-pronged name were these lines: For one moment of peace here I would give up the grave’s peace. I have always used books as my oracles in this way. If a yarrow stick or a … Continue reading
Phenomenal Cosmic Landscapes
Update: Pictures of our trip are here. I decided that after I die, when I am asked by a celestial government worker whether I have a preference in re: my next life, I will request to be a member of the Ahwaneechee tribe in Yosemite about a hundred years before the white people came. Hopefully … Continue reading
In which I fuck up and wake up in a cold sweat at 3 a.m. every morning for two months straight wondering what on earth I’m going to do
Due to my professional incompetence, I’ve been spending the last few months at work trying to magically create $200,000 where no $200,000 existed before. Today, butting my horns against a looming deadline, I finally swallowed my terror and consulted my cowboy boss on how to go about this. I managed to get him into my … Continue reading
The Principle Is Sound
At the front of the room, the D.J. is having a loving relationship with his moog, an instrument which as far as I can tell was invented for my generation, like sex and Crystal Pepsi. He turns the dials of the moog and it beeps and burbles happily over the arrhythmic thumping blasting from the … Continue reading
No Name #226
One of my old favorite boys introduced me to the poetry of Rimbaud when I was twenty. I still idly flip through Rimbaud collections when I find myself in bookstores, hoping that the news of my fidelity will travel back to that boy along the universal psychic pipeline. Then last night in lecture, my professor … Continue reading
In the immortal words of the Princess Cinderella, a dream is a wish your heart makes. In this case, though, my dream was a wish my mouth made, repeatedly, mostly to watch the Lad wince and squirm. And then last night, my dream was a wish that the Lad made come true. Yes, it’s true. … Continue reading
My quiet beach community
I often think of how someday the Lad and I will marry and live in a quiet beach community and have a couple of rowdy kids. One day, I will be cooking spaghetti and singing to August and Everything After when the Lad will walk in with Adam Duritz, whom he has befriended through his … Continue reading