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The search for the mythical ombudsman

Posted by on July 23, 2004

Didofoot wrote:


I’m a student looking for an ombudsman to talk to about some academic concerns I have. Do we have such a thing at Unnamed University?



Unnamed University Outreach wrote:

DF — We’re confused. Are you a Unnamed University student? Or are you a prospective student needing general information about Unnamed University?

Unnamed University Student Outreach Services

Didofoot wrote:

Yup, I’m a Junior at Unnamed University. I looked on the website but couldn’t find an ombudsman, so do we have a similar position on campus?



Unnamed University Outreach wrote:

DF — It all depends on what aspect you have your academic concern with. If it’s concerning your major, you would need to contact the department chair/dean. Or if you already have contacted the department chair/dean, then you would contact the Dean of your college. Or if it’s concerning an academic issue with a student affair, you would contact Dean Blahblahblah.

Hope this helps and good luck,

Unnamed University Student Outreach Services

Didofoot wrote:


Actually, I’m specifically interested in talking to a neutral third party rather than a representative of one of the departments or a staff member. Don’t most campuses have a resource of this kind?



Unnamed University Outreach wrote:

DF — Hmmmm….Unfortunately, the University does not have a neutral third party, but if you need to speak to someone in confidentiality, then Counseling Services would be able to assist you. They can be reached at 415-555-2208 to set up an appointment. Or you could probably contact the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at 415-555-2206 for assistance.

Again, hope this helps.

Unnamed University Student Outreach Services

Didofoot wishes she wrote:


Yes, that would help very much if it in any way addressed my need. But as it is, no. Not remotely helpful to me. Nevertheless, I’m sure there’s not a grain of truth in all the jokes floating around campus about the staffers of Unnamed University being utter jackasses.

Thank you for my time,


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