I got an A+ on my Shakespeare term paper. I actually feel a little goofy admitting it. If you get an A- or even an A you know you did a good job. But an A+ just means you’ve got the teacher snowed. Now, snowing authority figures is perhaps the most marketable of skills – just ask Ferris Bueller – but it’s not what I went to school to learn.
. . . But really I am pleased and proud. My professor, whom I admire immensely, told the class that my paper presented him with ideas he had not thought of before, and the man is no Shakespeare-come-lately.
In other news, I voted but Matt Gonzalez still lost. I don’t really see the point of voting if my guy is not going to win so I am looking into ways of somehow rigging the system in my favor. Surely, a girl who got an A+ on her term paper is capable of anything.
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