This weekend I found a Waiters On Wheels catalogue which lists dozens and dozens of wonderful restaurants that are willing to deliver right to my very door. To a semi-agoraphobic, this catalogue is crack cocaine.
A couple of nights ago I had a dream that all my friends told me I had a drinking problem, so I (in the dream) joined AA. Obviously I do not have a drinking problem, except the problem of being a lightweight, but I have become pretty addicted to staying in the house whenever possible. I’ve even been finding excuses not to walk the seven minutes to the Lad’s house because it would mean leaving my apartment.
After having this dream and realizing that I am addicted to not going out and having fun, I have started trying to disobey every inclination to stay inside. I find that my life goes pretty smoothly if I just assume that all my instincts are wrong. But I still have that catalogue burning a hole in my coffee table, waiting for me to slip up. I wish there was a support group for this kind of thing, but I think they would have to come to me for that to work. Maybe I can find something online.
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