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Posted by on August 4, 2003

Ms. Foot began to argue with Mr. Wood not long after she began courting him. It started in the course of one of their habitual walks about the neighborhood, after they had been walking for some time uphill against the Market Street winds.

“Come,” said Dido, “will you not take my arm? For I am sure you are tired.”

“Tired!” said Mr. Wood, “oh no! But I am sure you must be fatigued. Why do not you take my arm?”

“Oh, I am not in the least fatigued, I assure you. But you look so pale, I think you must be weary.”

“I am not so weary as you are. Indeed, you look positively knocked up.”

“But how can you say so, when you are so obviously fagged yourself?”

It was their first quarrel, and for a full quarter of an hour they were both silent and very uncomfortable. However, they were soon back at Five Corners, where a healthy session of sex soon settled the matter in his favor, for while she may very well have been knocked up afterwards, he was energetic and could proclaim himself not fagged with more proof than ever.

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