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Pedaling through spaghetti

Posted by on June 26, 2003

The Man got me down today. Usually I slide through his malarky like a steak knife through salmon, but today, I admit it, friends: I got down.

I have to keep in mind that these people here at Berkeley aren’t thwarting me out of some deep-seated need to thwart. They’re just people, with puppies and gardens and back pain. If this thing doesn’t get done by Monday, sure, I might get in trouble, but I, too, have puppies and gardens and back pain and must remember that Berkeley is just a bad dream that I wake up from every day at 5:00 (or thereabouts).

So today, after hours of misery, I had a choice between helping and being a bureaucratic pain in the ass, and I chose to be helpful. And that made me realize something: I realized that I am a FUCKING SAINT and I do NOT know what is FUCKING wrong with these goddamn people over in the temp office, they can all SUCK IT with their stupid dalmation puppies and dead gardens and hopefully excruciating back pain.


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