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Some interesting facts:

Posted by on September 25, 2002

1. If you type “My husband encourages me to date and fuck other men” through an earthlink search engine, you will find my page. Here are some of the other search engine phrases which are leading people to me:


hot grannies

nude in the forest and photos and fucking

what is shazbot

christian fanfic

saggy grannies

armless boy

hot vulgar grannies

pinky & the brain christmas special

dirty minded grannies

graffiti bunny devil

2. This is the fucking coolest thing I’ve found on the web so far (except mapquest).

3. Carthage has gotten 539 visits in September so far.

4. 449 of those lasted less than 30 seconds.

Thanks to Gene for making this humbling information available to me. And now, allow me to say:

Naked Kate Winslet photos

Hardcore animal sex pics HOT HOT HOT

Grannies doing nasty things to each other underwater

Filial fuckfests

Thanks for stopping by. Now get a real hobby, freakshow.

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