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Out the Milk

Posted by on December 18, 2008

Leaving for the airport soon. It will be a 10.5 hour flight, nonstop, which is actually great because I am way behind on my annual goal of playing one hundred consecutive games of solitaire while listening to Rihanna and The Muppets. (Different artists, not a weird new cover band. Though I would pay good money to hear Miss Piggy cover “Disturbia.”)

I’m looking around the apartment now, trying to decide what I might hate myself for in three weeks. If I come home to an un-vacuumed living room, will I mind? Probably not. The milk, on the other hand, could be a real problem.

I already kind of miss my coffee cups. I’m considering having another cup of coffee now just to enjoy them again. Too bad I just threw out the milk between paragraphs.


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