Yesterday I went and listened to the speechifying in Sproul Plaza for about fifteen minutes but it proved unedifying. Likewise dis-educational were my fifteen minutes with CNN and my half hour with NPR. Also every conversation/email/BBS I’ve had/read about the whole deal.
Except one conversation with my professor-boss this morning. He gave me a website which has some excellent independent-media articles as well as links to several other excellent sources. “Go read this whenever you have twenty minutes,” he said. “It will make you less depressed.” Not about what’s going on; just about not knowing anything, and about feeling like no one can be trusted.
I trust my professor with this sort of thing more than I trust anyone else. He’s an intelligent, well spoken, good person who loves his wife and his work and attends the peaceful protests and the intellectual debates. And although I respect the rest of you and think most of you are smarter than I am (except you, Sean), I have decided to follow his lead in this. I will do what he does, because he’s the only voice I can hear on this subject without feeling disconnected and alone.
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