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In Which: I nearly burn the house down over our heads

Posted by on July 7, 2011

Coffee addiction, it turns out, is not psychosomatic. Yesterday I made coffee, I waited for coffee, and then I somehow forgot to drink coffee. And I was exhausted, cranky and headachey all day without knowing why.

And if you’re keeping track, yes, I nearly burned the house down over our heads by leaving the coffee maker on, but thank goodness it seems to have some sort of self-protecting mechanism and turned itself off. But only after it melted a small hole in its bottom so all the water now runs out when you try to make coffee.

And if you’re still playing along at home, you’ll realize this means I do not get any coffee this morning, on top of no coffee yesterday, and the headache is now a sharp stabbing point somewhere behind my left eye. But my dad is coming to have lunch with me at 11:30. I can wait until then.

I can wait until then.

I can wait until then.


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