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Strange hat

Posted by on March 31, 2011

We have this weird little bathroom downstairs:


As you can see, it’s just a toilet in a room. Well, in fact it’s a literal water closet, a closet of water. And it’s the only bathroom downstairs.

Now, this would be a totally acceptable bathroom if it had a sink, but as you can see it’s really too small to put even the smallest sink in there. Except! Gene has discovered this weird thing:


It’s a sink that sits on top of the toilet! (I realize this is not new technology, but I’ve never been to Japan.) It’s totally clean water, though I admit it does look a little off-putting before you think about it. Also, since the bathroom is so small, we wouldn’t be able to get the sideways version — you’d have to lean over the toilet to wash your hands.

So the question is: strange and off-putting? Or much better than having to go out and wash your hands in the kitchen sink? On the whole, I think having a sink in the bathroom is always better, no matter how small or difficult to reach it may be, but I’m willing to be talked out of it.

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