He finds out she’s having an affair with another man. He crashes his plane, in which she is a passenger, into her lover, intending to kill everyone.
He finds out she’s having an affair with another woman. He shakes her and threatens her and allows her to catch on fire and be horribly burned.
His heretofore pliant new wife talks back. He slaps her and calls her names and, quite improbably in light of this evidence, declares in a lustful about-face that he likes his women “spunky.”
He finds out his fiancee still loves her ex-boyfriend. He forces her to marry him and attempts to kill her boyfriend.
A woman whose hero boyfriend has been distracted is discovered by the villain. He calls her “sweetheart” and suggests that she be given to his most physically repulsive henchman as a kind of sexual sundae.
A woman talks back to a man/a woman behaves out of the common way/a woman is found by a man to be alone on a street/in a bar/in her home. He rapes her.
I watched Fire last night. It made me so tired. And I don’t watch this stuff if I can help it. What about the rest of you, I wonder, who don’t have my hyper-sensibilities and have seen legions of women being raped and beaten and murdered, how can any of you walk around in a world with men and not be afraid all the time and not believe you are just a potential victim all the time and not be waiting always for the creepy violins to start or the scream-drowning bassline? Even though you know in your brain it’s not a realistic portrayal still how can you not have this beaten into your bones like a genetic code? There are things I would never say or do around a man because if you push a man too far he will beat you up I have been taught it is so and I am big into self-preservation. There are ways I will never lead my life, things I will never say, places where I will never be alone, places where I will never be in company, men I will never be with around other men because they are the wrong man and they can get you for the company you keep as much as anything else, there are clothes I will never wear there are words I won’t use there are places I will run through and places I will move through at an effacing-walk there are a thousand rules I will follow that I have intuited and never been told.
36 Responses to There is, apparently, also a midterm I will not really study for. But that’s unrelated.