Yesterday we had a guest speaker in my government class, this immigration lawyer, Bob Jobe At one point he referenced a case related to Ellis Island. From the back of the class, That Annoying Girl called out “What’s Ellis Island, again?” And her neighbor, in a tone of horrified disbelief, said “Really?” Right then I was ready to marry the neighbor.
Yesterday in yoga we did shoulder stands, wherein you lie on your back with most of your body straight up in the air and your hands and elbows supporting your lower back. “I can do shoulder stands now,” I told Tracy, ebullient, and she laughed so hard her head almost exploded.
“Now?” she said. “You mean you couldn’t…” (when you were an infant) “before this?”
Urm. My yoga is special, for special people. Special people like me.
What’s a shoulder stand again?
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