For Christmas I got Gene, among other things, this sticker for his laptop:
“Heh,” he said when he opened it. “That’s cute. Do you know what an attack of opportunity is?”
“I get it from context,” I said.
“Do you want to know what it is?”
“Okay,” I said, because sometimes I like to give him the gift of explaining stuff to me.
“In Dungeons and Dragons, an attack of opportunity is when someone runs away from melee combat and his opponent gets to attack him as he runs away.”
“Oh,” I said. “Oh. Hey! Then that doesn’t even make sense, because you couldn’t take an attack of opportunity on someone who’s approaching you.”
“Right,” said Gene. “But I like it anyway.”
Luckily I also embroidered him this “Christmas of Cthulhu” ornament, so it’s cool:
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