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The gorilla

Posted by on October 29, 2013

We had people over for pumpkin carving this weekend and Rachel brought fake tattoos, so I put a gorilla tattoo on my fist and began trying to popularize my new slogan: “You mess with me? You get the gorilla.” I only had a few days before the tattoo wore off so I said it at every opportunity. Gene was really enthused about this, as he always is when I repeat the same joke twenty or thirty times in a day.

I’m surprisingly into Halloween this year, even though I have no plans or costume. Mind you, I am easily scared so I have to keep my Halloween themed activities at the level a small child would be comfortable with: watching The Addams Family or Brahm Stoker’s Dracula (although Winona Ryder’s English accent is pretty terrifying), reading Agatha Christie’s Hallowe’en Party, and making this:

Now I need to figure out how to embroider a tiny gorilla on his hand, and then underneath him I can write “You mess with Death? YOU GET THE GORILLA.” And then this joke can live on in Gene’s life for years and years!

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