LEONATO: You will never run mad, niece.
BEATRICE: No, not til a hot January.
-Much Ado About Nothing
On a nice day, our neighborhood smells like cooked hamburger. Yesterday was such a day; an excellent day to be wearing a fluttery little dress — however, being on the motorcycle, I was wearing full body armor instead. Fortunately I am quite capable of imagining myself into a fluttery little dress, with the added benefit that in my imagination the dress can be a nice light pink such as I could never wear in real life due to my inveterate habit of immediately staining any light-colored garment with ketchup, whether I have been eating ketchup or not.
The nice thing about being on the bike, other than hamburger smell, is that as you pass other riders they give great big exaggerated nods at you and you give great big exaggerated nods back. It is a delightful little remnant of a more courteous age; I believe the riders would tip their helmets at one another if said helmets were not firmly attached.
However, our hunt for a car to replace the late lamented Toro continues in spite of all the pleasures of motorcycling. Today we examine a Honda Accord. Wish us luck!
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