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Highlights from 2011










2011 was one thrilling adventure after another. In other words, a pretty normal year for me. Gene and I traveled to Portland with some friends, adopted an imaginary dog, went camping, went camping again, and celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary.

Here are some more highlights from 2011:

Leia’s gold bikini. Need I say more?

We girls can do anything! Like Barbie.
On why Barbie dolls probably won’t permanently mess up your daughter.

A short list of stuff I like.

Ladies Who Lunch
Conversing with Tami, while Michele converses with herself.

On Target
Why you don’t really need that stuff from Target (except the stuff you do need).

Meditations on a pocket gopher
This is exactly what it sounds like. But before you turn up your nose, ask yourself two questions: 1. Do YOU know anything about pocket gophers? And 2. If not, what on earth do you talk about at parties? Read this immediately.

Conversation at the Library Book Sale
In which I make some ridiculous purchases.

And also
A list of stuff for which I am thankful.

You’re only as old as your conversation with your husband reveals you to be.
I am secretly a little old lady.

Nature’s best friends
What if animals evolve to be smarter than us? No, really, what if? This is a serious question.

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